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Some Facebook and Twitter Functionality

- February 14, 2011

In response to some reader requests, we have finally gotten around to adding some functionality for Facebook and Twitter. In the righthand sidebar, you will see a Facebook “recommend” button, which allows you to recommend the blog as a whole. Note also that there is now a dedicated email address for the blog, should you ever want to use that to communicate with us.

We have added Facebook and Twitter buttons to each post as well. (Here, “we” means “Henry, after John failed.”) These will allow you to send any post to your Facebook news feed and to tweet any post as well. If you find that one or both of these buttons do not work — a distinct possibility — please let us know. We are still trying to fix whatever quirk makes it seem that every post has been tweeted an identical number of times.

If you like this blog or read a post that you like, it would be very helpful to us — in terms of building a broader audience — if you’d click one or both of these buttons. Thanks.

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