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APSA Panels worth attending

- August 31, 2010

John has already mentioned the “political science meets journalism”:https://themonkeycage.org/2010/08/apsa_panel_what_can_political.html and “Perspectives on Politics”:https://themonkeycage.org/2010/08/perspectives_panel_at_apsa.html panels at APSA. In the twin spirits of promoting excellence and promoting self, I also want to mention a panel on campaign finance where John is presenting a joint paper of ours on the ‘Kos’ effect (it’s 8am on Thursday – but you get to see other awesome people too), and a “Future of IPE” panel (which I’m informally dubbing ‘can we have an IPE that doesn’t suck, thank you very much) panel that same afternoon. Details below. Others should feel free to mention the details of awesome-sounding panels that they are participating in, attending, or _would_ be attending if they weren’t downing beer at the bar, in comments to this post.


Where’s My Money? Donating as a Political Behavior

Date: Thursday, Sep 2, 2010, 8:00 AM-9:45 AM

Chair: Daniel A. Smith
University of Florida, dasmith@ufl.edu

Should the Evolving Role of the Internet in Political Fundraising and Organizing Alter Our Views About Citizens’ Participation in Elections? — Results of a Survey of 2008 Presidential Campaign Donors
Wesley Joe
Campaign Finance Institute
Michael J. Malbin
SUNY, Albany and The Campaign Finance Institute, mmalbin@cfinst.org
Clyde Wilcox
Georgetown University, wilcoxc@georgetown.edu

Understanding the Surge in the Numbers of Small and Large Donors to Federal Candidates, Parties and PACs in 2008 and What it Means for the Political Process in 2010 and Beyond.
David B. Magleby
Brigham Young University, david_magleby@byu.edu
Jay Goodliffe
Brigham Young University, goodliffe@byu.edu
Bradley Jones
University of Wisconsin-Madison, bmjones3@wisc.edu

The Political Geography of Campaign Contributions: Political Participation in a Complex Institutional Environment
Elisabeth R. Gerber
University of Michigan, ergerber@umich.edu
Jenna Bednar
University of Michigan, jbednar@umich.edu

The Kos Bump: The Political Economy of Campaign Fundraising in the Internet Age
John M. Sides
George Washington University, jsides@gwu.edu


Daniel W. Drezner
Tufts University, ddrezner@gmail.com

Why the Rules We Got Weren’t Exactly the Rules We Needed: Transgovernmental Networks, Domestic Historical Trajectories, and the International Financial Architecture
Abraham Newman
Georgetown University, aln24@georgetown.edu

The Partial Rebirth of Keynesianism
Henry Farrell
George Washington University, henry@henryfarrell.net

The Mysteries of Markets: Risk Premiums for Sovereign Borrowers During the Great Recession
Layna Mosley
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, mosley@unc.edu

Politics and Publics in Large Open Economies
David Leblang
University of Virginia, leblang@virginia.edu

Market Power and the Future of the Dollar
Herman Schwartz
University of Virginia, hms2f@virginia.edu